Här på Nordic Light Hotel har vi nyligen genomfört en omfattande renovering med hjälp av den erkända arkitekten Todd Saunders och formgivaren John Tong och i samband med detta lanserade vi vår nya restaurang och bar, Lykke & löjromsbaren.
Nordic Light Hotel är en samtida reflektion av utvald Nordisk design, mat och kultur. Vi hyllar vårt arv genom moderna tolkningar av vår av vår historia och erbjuder ett genuint nordiskt värdskap.
Vi är en del av Nordic Hotels & Resorts som i sin tur ägs av Nordic Choice Hotels. Nordic Hotels & Resorts består av en grupp fristående livsstils hotell såsom At Six, HOBO, Amerikalinjen, The Thief, Yasuragi, Skt Petri med flera.
Vi söker nu dig som vill ta steget vidare i karriären och som business controller kommer du att ansvara för processer som prognostisering och finansiell rapportering men tyngdpunkten kommer att ligga på verksamhetsnära analyser.
Vi tror att du som person triggas av utmaningar och att hitta lösningar som förbättrar vår lönsamhet. Det som verkligen betyder något är din förmåga att stötta hotellets och restaurangens alla avdelningar och verksamhet i att fatta strategiska beslut och implementera åtgärder baserat på dina analyser.
Vi ser framför oss att du har en utbildning inom ekonomi med inriktning på antingen ekonomistyrning eller redovisning. Ett par års erfarenhet från hotellbranschen alternativt andra relevanta branscher såsom revision, management konsult, försäljning eller redovisning ses som ett stort plus. Som person är du modig och inte rädd för att ifrågasätta nuläget samtidigt som du är ödmjuk för andras åsikter och har en förmåga att ta hänsyn till flera perspektiv.
Läs följande Arbetsbeskrivning:
The role is responsible for the financial parts of the hotel steering processes, when it comes to target, forecasting, strategy and monthly reporting.
The role is responsible for driving business performance at the hotel, by following key performance indicators and always strive to find ways to do things smarter.Difference vs Target, difference vs LY & Benchmarking with other hotels on department level shall further foster efficiency improvement.
The role is responsible for supporting hotel management team with fact based analysis to find room for improvement and to push for actions when needed.
The role is responsible to support the hotel organisation when it comes to business cases of local initiatives and financial projects initiated centrally. By being the single point of contact for financial related systems, support shall be given to the hotel organisation within this area. |
- Financial partner: Responsible for breaking down the hotel strategic plan to a financial plan per department. Monitor and follow up deviations in forecasts versus target.
- Strategic partner: Be a natural trusted partner to hotel management team. Be qualified to contribute to discussions within everything from strategic development to operational and organisational challenges. Together with General Manager drive the hotel target, strategy and forecasting processes according to NH&R requirements.
- Process leader: Be the local project manager and process lead financial improvement activities and be responsible for involving relevant stakeholders for centrally (NH&R) financial driven initiatives. Ensure delivery on time and quality.
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI) development: Help find hotel focus areas and follow up on hotel KPI:s: WeCare, Guest, Growth and Efficiency, but with a main focus on efficiency KPI:s. Identify and follow up on deviations with responsible department manager. Support department managers with analysis and guidance to ensure reach of efficiency potential. At all times strive to find ways to do things smarter.
- Continuous process improvement: Push to improve efficiency in work processes across the hotel. Through analysis and a holistic view of the hotel operations, support department managers to increase productivity.
- Continuous analysis: Serve the hotel management team and department managers with fact based analysis. Analyse results and forecasts at department level to find room for improvement and push for actions when needed.
- Productivity meetings: Weekly meetings with department managers. Scheduling in Timeplan for the coming 6-8 weeks must be done by the departments before the meeting.
- Forecasts: Ensure that NH&R processes and routines are followed when forecasts are set. The role is responsible for final quality assurance and timely delivery of forecasts, to make sure that the forecast productivity for each department steers towards our yearly P-cost% goal. That is to secure that we do not deviate from target productivity at the departments and if we do, then we need to adjust another department so that total hours does not exceed total target hours. Secure that average hourly cost for each department is correct. But also make sure to lift deviations vs monthly/full year target with GM and dept managers and call for actions.
- Forecast accuracy: Support Trevenue managers with forecast accuracy analysis. Forecast accuracy is the foundation for being able to forecast the numbers of hours needed in the future.
- PMI: Follow management perspective and PMI cockpit during the month to see if action is needed on specific departments.
- Schedule adjustments: Make sure that schedule adjustments agreed upon at the productivity meetings are carried out.
- Reporting: Responsible for quality in and timely delivery of relevant reports internally at the hotel, centrally to NH&R and externally. Such as a monthly report with an extensive analysis of focus areas.
- Business case: Support hotel management team and department managers with developing or quality assuring business cases, or other decision support material, on request or at own initiative. Support with profitability analysis to ensure return of investment (ROI) on initiatives and projects at the hotel.
- Period end close: Be the single point of contact to centralised salary and accounting organisation. Ensure that department managers follow NH&R processes and routines for time reporting and salaries. Quality assure that accruals/settlements are set up correctly.
- Credit meeting: Hold meeting and be overall responsible that Payment up front (Cash%) and days to get paid by customer (DSO) targets are met.
- Systems superuser/SPOC: Be superuser and single point of contact in financial related systems (e.g. Accounting, Optimisation & Planning and Timekeeping systems) in order to support hotel management team and department managers hands on or by providing contact to correct person. Responsible to follow up department managers on quality and accuracy of usage.
- Processes and routines: Ensure processes and routines exist for department managers, when they are to hand over administrative assignments to successor.
Vi kan erbjuda dig:
- Goda utvecklingsmöjligheter inom Nordic Hotels & Resorts
- Utbyte och utbildningar på BC samlingar inom Nordic Hotels & Resorts
- Lön med bonus och andra förmåner enligt överenskommelse
Sista ansökningsdatum är 30 maj, urval och intervjuer kommer ske löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag.
Som Business Controller ingår du i Nordic Light Hotel’s Ledningsgrupp samt rapporterar du till General Manager på Nordic Light Hotel.
Nordic Light Hotel erbjuder dig en utvecklande och inspirerande arbetsplats. Här blir du ledare för en prestigefylld och meriterande arbetsplats som är en del av hotellgruppen Nordic Hotels & Resorts, Nordic Choice Hospitality Group samt även en affiliation med Preferred Hotels.
Vid frågor kontakta David Bergling, General Manager Nordic Light Hotel
Instagram: @nordiclighthotel @lykkelojromsbaren